I have been working down my todo list all week ... the list has kept growing like a weed but it's almost done.
It's been amazing to see how Satan has tried to distract me this week. Our dryer went out, an air conditioner unit went out on a rental house and had to buy a new one (wasn't ready for that!), and about 20 other things. However, we know that what he's done is the best he's got ... Jesus has conquered him and he doesn't stand a chance against him. We find joy living under the authority of Jesus Christ.
We are 99% packed. We have our toiletry bag to throw in and I think that's it. A weighing tip for future travelers ... I went up to a pack 'n ship store and used their scale. The lady was more than happy to help, especially after I showed her a picture of Silas :) ... We then stapled a piece of paper to each bag for the weight ... that way, any last minute things that need thrown in, we'll know which bag has an extra pound available. Plus, we'll be able to tell the airlines we weighed them at the store and it'd give us a little more credibility when begging for mercy if we're overweight.
Here's Amber with all our stuff!
I feel good with where things are currently. I took the day off today (Amber was already off) to get everything done. This morning we went to morning prayer group. Our church has a group of people 7 days a week/365 days a year, praying from 630-730am. Every day. Rain, sleet, snow, holiday. It's amazing. It's an incredible group of compassionate and genuine people. We then made a Walmart trip to buy food for when we get home. Crazy to think this time next week, we'll be in Washington DC about ready to get on a plane back to Nashville. I made a trip to the convenience center (aka, dump) to take our trash and drop some things off to the Goodwill trailer. Back home to move some of Silas' stuff from his room down to ours (glider, changer, etc) since he'll be staying in our room for a while. Then a little lunch and out to mow. Now blogging. I need to still move a few things around in the luggage but it feels good to have almost all the things crossed off the list :) We are going to grab dinner tonight to get in one last good American meal before we head out!
We fly out of Nashville at 8:30am tomorrow and arrive in Washington DC around 11:15. We have a lovely 9 hour layover there and fly out on Ethiopian Airlines at 8:30pm. Praying for some good sleep courtesy of Ambien. We will make a pit stop in Rome to refuel and then arrive at Addis Ababa Ethiopia at 7pm Sunday night local time (They are 8 hours ahead of us here in Central Time Zone land). Monday morning while most of you sleep we will meet Silas for the first time ... I'm hoping that it will work where Kristi and us can take pics of each other meeting our babies...
I don't think I've let it really set in that we're traveling to Ethiopia tomorrow. It's amazing the journey God will lead you down. A punk boy from a po'dunk small town who just 'got by'. Barely. A pretty ordinary guy to say the least. When I finally opened up my heart to God's plan for my life, He's doing extraordinary things. I never would have thought I would be going to Ethiopia to bring home my son. Never. But I wouldn't change it for the world. I love our son so much and I can't imagine my life without him ... and I haven't even met him yet! My prayer while we're there is that God would give me ears to hear and eyes to see what He has next for me. I know it's something with Ethiopia/adoption/orphans ... I just don't know in what capacity yet.
Never think you don't matter. You matter to God. He has amazing plans for your life. Just take time to listen to what He's leading you to. It'll be much better than the best thing you could think of.
Maybe it's adoption. Maybe it's helping the least of us. Maybe it's feeding the hungry. Maybe it's taking care of his children. Maybe it's preaching. Maybe it's traveling to another country to do His work. I know that you do have to be willing and able. If you're too busy, you won't hear Him. If you deny Him, He won't force you to do anything. He's given us free will ... it's our choice. It's unfortunate how many times I've been to busy or defiant. Thank GOD for His grace and mercy!
Only God knows what He has in store for you. Be still and listen for the Holy Spirit to whisper His plans for your life.
Thanks again for all the prayers, encouragement, sweet words. I can't wait to share pictures of our boy with everyone!
Silas, buddy, in less than 2 1/2 days we'll be together forever! We love you so much and we're so excited to get to know you, your personality, and for us to be a FAMILY! Love you son!
You've got me sitting here in tears... We are so blissfully happy for the both of you. Praying you guys through this entire week!
Go get your boy! :)
So I'm not the only one crying after reading this... :)
I can't tell you how thankful I am to God for this change in your lives. Our Savior works in unimaginable ways and I praise him for bringing you to Silas. Can you believe that God had this planned out for you from the beginning???
have a GREAT time!
Have a great trip guys! We're looking forward to seeing Silas in your arms.
Can't wait to read about your trip and see pictures of you guys with Silas. I'll be praying for your time in Ethiopia:)
The thought of you getting your son has tears streaming down my face! I am so happy for both of you and I know Silas will be too! Have a blessed beyond belief trip my friends!
The Hulls
Sounds like you guys have the same flight plan we did. We had a layover in dc too..then off to rome and addis. You are on a trip of a lifetime and i am sooooo excited for you guys!! Enjoy every minute. just be smart with your food choices, and you will be fine :) If you are traveling united...they were plain mean with our over the weight bags (by 4 #s!!) so be ready to switch things around :) praying for you guys !!! oh the family with the little boy who is sick is right past the rocks that block the road, to the left. you will go right to head to hannahs hope. it is a tiny little store front/home. say hi for me :)
Thanks for those encouraging words! You always share your heart so beautifully. I can't wait to see your family all together at last. I'm praying for an awesome trip all around!
CAn't wait to see YALL's face in Washington...too fun!! kristi
Wahoo! I'll be checking in for updates along the way!!!
Congratulations!!!! Praying for safe and amazing travels!! We are also with AGCI, and I look forward to following this huge step in your journey!
We will be praying for you all...God bless and can't wait to meet you guys...
Have fun!!!!!!
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