The past 6 months have been crazy wonderful ... and crazy busy. Since coming home with Silas, time has been a precious commodity. With too many irons in the fire, I have been strategically trying to move some of them out. Honestly, easier said than done. One iron got pulled out this past week as I sold a rental house to the tenants and am very happy about that. I have a couple side internet projects that I'm hoping to wrap up in the next couple/few weeks. The daytime job is ... well, let's just say there is a reason they call it WORK. But the biggest thing that has been on the radar for the past few months has been....

The 1:27 Call is a nonprofit orphan care ministry that we have started with a few other families. It is absolutely amazing the people God has brought together for this endeavor. We are currently praying/planning/budgeting for 2010. Our 4 areas of focus will be local involvement, church engagement, adoption advocacy, and international care and support. I have been swimming in Articles of Incorporations, IRS forms for 501(c)(3) status, Directors & Officer Insurance, General Liability Insurance, Board Member bylaws, etc, etc, etc. It's been a learning experience to say the least. I'm glad to say most of the admin stuff is behind us and now the 'real' work can begin. We did have our first event on December 3rd ... we were able to host and sponsor a Christmas party for our county's foster care children. It was amazing ... and you can read more about the party here.
Our website will continue to get updated as well as our Facebook group. If you have a heart for the orphan, join our facebook group and check back on our website soon as we will have 2010's Programs and Events. If you're interested in joining our efforts, contact us! We can't wait to see how God will be glorified through all of us being the hands and feet of Jesus!