Mengistu, 4, and his father in Shone.
"He used to run to help us when we came from the garden. Today, he cannot express his feelings verbally." — Mengistu's father
Acutely malnourished little Mengistu needs your prayers and support. At age 4, he suffers from severe malnutrition in the wake of a recent drought in Ethiopia and is being treated in a stabilization center. His progress is very slow, and tragically, his situation is not unique.
Because of the growing global food crisis in this center and in many others throughout the developing world, there are sick, weak, and hungry children crying out for help. Chronic hunger doesn't look as alarming as rapid starvation, yet it's just as deadly. These children are starving to death — just slowly. Right now, one child dies from hunger every seven seconds. That's more than 14,000 children every day. And millions more are suffering.
Today, you can help provide life-saving essentials to hungry children and families who are in desperate need, and, thanks to government grants, any gift you give will multiply 6 times in impact to help provide:
- Emergency food
- Seeds to grow maize, beans, and fruit
- Cows, chickens, goats, and other livestock
- Training about choosing and preparing nutritious foods
Right now, through our generous friends like you, World Vision is working hard to make this happen in 35 countries around the world, including Haiti, Ethiopia, and Rwanda. Thank you for your concern and your prayers for those whose futures are threatened by hunger — and for responding today to help.
So, if you got that sweater or tie you didn't want/need and it gets returned, think about giving something to World Vision, especially since our donations get multiplied SIX times. Click here to give.
Thank you LORD for showing us ways we can help YOUR children!
Hope every one had a Merry Christmas!